Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. Implants provide a strong foundation for fixed (permanent) or removable replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth. Implants are tiny titanium posts which are placed into the jawbone to replace the missing teeth. The jaw bone bonds to the titanium, creating a strong foundation for artificial teeth.
Usually the placement of dental implants involves two or 3 surgical procedures. The first stage of oral surgery often involves a tooth or teeth extraction.
Oftentimes, the site of a dental implant still has an existing damaged tooth present. In order to prepare for placement of a dental implant, the tooth will need to be extracted. More often than not, an “alveolar bone graft” (cadaver or synthetic bone) is placed to achieve a solid base of bone for the implant. This site will be allowed to heal for two to six months. For a site that has no tooth and bone loss is present, it will require a different bone graft that is placed on top of existing jawbone and this usually requires 6 months of healing. In some instances, when enough bone is present, the damaged tooth can be extracted followed by the implant placement procedure at the same appointment. This procedure is called “immediate implant” placement.Then implants are then placed within the jawbone.
During the first three-to-six months following surgery, the implants are beneath the the gum gradually integrating with the jawbone. the second phase of the implant the oral surgeon will uncover the implants and attach a small healing collar. Then, the dentist will be able to start teeth. An impression must be taken. Then attachments can be connected to the implants. The entire procedure usually takes six to eight months.